First District Conferance of SNEA(I) Kodagu District Branch
Held at conference Hall, Hotel Hill Town, Madikeri
on 23rd October 2011
The Fallowing beloved CHQ & Circle leaders were attended the function.Com. M.H.Gombi AGS SNEA(I) HQ New Delhi, Com.Venkatesh Murthy, Circle President SNEA(I) Karnataka Circle, Com. S.B.Nagavi Circle Secretary SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. P.Deepak Kumar ACS SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. Suresh Kumar Treasurer SNEA(I) Karanataka circle,Com Vishakanta Murthy DS Mysore. In the Open session Sri. Gouri Sankar.G.ITS were the Chief guest & Sri. Janardhana Naik were the guest.
Com.S.N.Narasimha, ADS,. Invited All Dignitaries to the Dias.
Invocation by Com. Leela Dayananda.K, Dist. treasurer
WelCome Speech by
Com. S.N. Narasimha. ADS,
Big Gathering of members in the Function
Accounts report by
Com. Leela Dayananda.K
District Treasurer
District Treasurer
Addressing by Our Circle Secretary Com. S.B.Nagavi.
Com. Nagavi said about, The progress of SNEA in Circle & CHQ. He Elaboratly Explained Conditions of BSNL & Govt. Policy.
He cleared all doubts rised by the members.
He cleared all doubts rised by the members.
Addressing by Our Asst. General Secretory, SNEA(I), CHQ.
Com. M.H.Gombi
Com. M.H.Gombi
Our beloved Com. Gombi Enlightened us regarding organisational activities & service matters
Circle treasurer
Com. Suresh Kumar
Address by
Mysore District Secretary.
Com. Vishakanta Murthy
Addressing by Our Circle President Com. Venkatesh Murthy
Addressing by Our District President Com. A.Lingappa Gowda
In Lunch Hall. Members And Guests
Wellcome Speech By Com.N.P.Geetha, ADS and the Gathering
Honour to Sri. Devaraj.S.M. Retired JTO
Honour to Sri. Ningarajappa,
Honour to Sri.Mathai. Retired JTO
Sri.Gouri Sankar.G., ITS, Addressed the gather. And said Kodagu is in top to provide quality of service & good Revenue by hard and good work of Executives in District. And Sri Janardhana Naik, DGM, also addressed and wished the conference a great sucess.
Vote of thanks By
Com. D.J.Panchakshari,
Dist. Secretary
Oath Taking By
Newly Elected body
District President: Com. A.Lingappa Gowda, SDE Com, MCA
Vice President: Com. Sandeep JTO O/d MCA
Vice president: Com. N.P. Geetha, JTO CSR
District Secretary: Com. D.J.Panchakshari, JTO(NS), MCA
Asst. Dist Secretary: Com. S.N.Narasimha,JTO(NS), MCA
Asst. Dist Secretary: Com. Srijith, JTO VRJ
Organising Secretary: Com. H.V. Srinivas, SDE II KUL
District Truesurer : Com. Leela Dayananda.K SDE(EB)
Auditor: Com. Jayanth Gowda
Executive Members: Com.Vivek, Com. Sandeep Surya,
Com. Kamalakshi, Com. Sriraj, Com. Srikar.
New body elected unanimously
for the year 11-12 & 12-13