Dear Comarades,
As per JAC call please abstain from duty on 15.12.2011 without applying any kind of leave and make the strike a GRAND SUCCESS.
1. No VRS
2. Immediate repatriation of ITS non--optees and handing over charges to absorbed executives..
3. Immediate payment of Bonus ((PLI))
4.Restoration of Medical Allowance,, Leave encashment and LTC
5. 78.2% IDA Fixation.
6.Immediate procurement and supply of equipments including GSM,, BB Modem,, Cables,,Trans SMS,, MLLN etc.. and implementation of important business projects like ERP,, NGN and Transmission NMS..
7. Government Policy related issues:
a) Compensation for loss making rural services according to policy commitments..
b) Pension Contribution to DOT only on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale..
c) Refund Rs..8313 crore paid towards non--standard BWA spectrum banalready surrender by BSNL..
d) Immediate cancellation of licenses of private operators who are illegally providing 3G services without 3G spectrum allocation..
e) Access Deficit Charges ((ADC)) should be quantified through adequate and appropriate mechanism and paid to BSNL..
e) Access Deficit Charges ((ADC)) should be quantified through adequate and appropriate mechanism and paid to BSNL..
f) Reimbursement of License Fee to BSNL as assured at the time of corporation.
g) Refund of ‘‘Notiional Loan’’ of Rs.. 7500 crore with interest collected by DOT from BSNL..
h) Discontinue all Telecom Advisory Committees.
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District secretary,
District secretary,
SNEA(I) Kodagu SSA Branch