Monday, 12 December 2011

Dear Comarades,

As per JAC call please abstain from duty on 15.12.2011 without applying any kind of leave and make the strike a GRAND SUCCESS.


1. No VRS

2. Immediate repatriation of ITS non--optees and handing over charges to absorbed executives..

3. Immediate payment of Bonus ((PLI))

4.Restoration of Medical Allowance,, Leave encashment and LTC

5. 78.2% IDA Fixation.

6.Immediate procurement and supply of equipments including GSM,, BB Modem,, Cables,,Trans SMS,, MLLN etc.. and implementation of important business projects like ERP,, NGN and Transmission NMS..

7. Government Policy related issues:
 a) Compensation for loss making rural services according to policy commitments..
 b) Pension Contribution to DOT only on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale..
 c) Refund Rs..8313 crore paid towards non--standard BWA spectrum    banalready surrender         by   BSNL..
 d) Immediate cancellation of licenses of private operators who are illegally providing 3G        services without 3G spectrum allocation.. 
 e) Access Deficit Charges ((ADC)) should be quantified through adequate and appropriate mechanism and paid to BSNL..
 f) Reimbursement of License Fee to BSNL as assured at the time of corporation.
 g) Refund of ‘‘Notiional Loan’’ of Rs.. 7500 crore with interest collected by DOT from BSNL..
 h) Discontinue all Telecom Advisory Committees.

                                                              ~~~~~~ ****~~~~~~~~
                                                                                                      District secretary,
                                                                                            SNEA(I)  Kodagu SSA Branch

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Kind Information to all Comrades,

Our Karnataka Circle SNEA(I) Website address is Changed from to

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Full Day DHARNA at Madikeri

Comrades of SNEA(I) & AIBSNLEA are Participated in True Spirit throughout the day.

 Com. A.Lingappa Gowda Dist President SNEA,Com.Deepak Kumar ACS SNEA KTK, Com.Geetha NP Dist.Vice President SNEA, Com. Hebbar Cicle Organising Secretary AIBSNLEA And Com. N.I.Musali Dist. Secretary AIBSNLEA are addressed the gathering, 


Monday, 21 November 2011

SNEA(I) CHQ  New Delhi  launched new web site

Sunday, 20 November 2011

SNEA(I) Kodagu Comrades are requested to attend DHARNA on 22-11-2011. Pl assemble at GM Office  premises before 10:00 Hrs.   Pl visit

Our Circle secretary appeal :

The UF of Karnataka Circle appeals to all the executives of Karnataka circle to participate in the 22nd DHARNA PROGRAMME enmass (100%)as per the CHQ call to show our unity and concern on the delay in the repatriation of NON OPTEEs to DOT. Comrades now all the activities, decesion on any issue are in state of cold storage. The present state of affairs in BSNL is in no way helping to make U turn of the company. Time has come to rise to the occasion and act swiftly to end this stalemate.
The Dharna will be held at all SSA headquarters and in Bangaloare at CGMT Office premises.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Conducted Lunch Hour Demonstration at GMT Office
on 15th November 2011.
      More than 30 Comrades are participated from both SNEA(I) & AIBSNLEA . Com. Hebbar AIBSNLEA area Secretary KTK, Addressed the gather and discussed about protest actions against repatriation of ITS Officers in phased manner. Com.Deepak Kumar ACS SNEA(I) KTK, Com. A.Lingappa Gowda Dist President,Kodagu SNEA(I), Com. Narasimha ADS Kodagu SNEA(I), Com. Leela Dayananda K Dist Treasurer Kodagu SNEA(I) & Com. Narayana Musali Dist Secretary AIBSNLEA have attended.  Com D.J.Panchakshari Dist Sec Kodagu SNEA(I) Thanked to all participents

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

 First District Conferance of SNEA(I) Kodagu District Branch 
 Held at conference Hall, Hotel Hill Town, Madikeri
 on 23rd October 2011
   The Fallowing beloved CHQ & Circle leaders were attended the function.Com. M.H.Gombi AGS SNEA(I) HQ New Delhi, Com.Venkatesh Murthy, Circle President SNEA(I) Karnataka Circle, Com. S.B.Nagavi Circle Secretary SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. P.Deepak Kumar ACS SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. Suresh Kumar Treasurer SNEA(I) Karanataka circle,Com  Vishakanta Murthy DS Mysore. In the Open session Sri. Gouri Sankar.G.ITS were the Chief guest & Sri. Janardhana Naik were the guest.


Com.S.N.Narasimha, ADS,. Invited All Dignitaries to the Dias.

Invocation by Com. Leela Dayananda.K, Dist. treasurer

WelCome Speech by
Com. S.N. Narasimha. ADS,


Big Gathering of members in the Function

Detailed Report By Com.D.J.Panchakshari, District Secretary.  To the House

Accounts report by
Com. Leela Dayananda.K
District Treasurer

Addressing by Our Circle Secretary Com. S.B.Nagavi.  
Com. Nagavi said about, The progress of  SNEA in Circle & CHQ. He Elaboratly Explained Conditions of  BSNL & Govt. Policy.
He cleared all doubts rised by the members.
Addressing by Our Asst. General Secretory, SNEA(I), CHQ.
 Com. M.H.Gombi 
Our beloved Com. Gombi Enlightened us regarding organisational activities & service matters 
Address by
Circle treasurer
Com. Suresh Kumar

Address by
Mysore District Secretary.
Com. Vishakanta Murthy

Addressing by Our Circle President Com. Venkatesh Murthy 

 Addressing by Our District President Com. A.Lingappa Gowda

In Lunch Hall. Members And Guests


Wellcome Speech By Com.N.P.Geetha, ADS and the Gathering

 Honour to Sri. Devaraj.S.M. Retired JTO

Honour to Sri. Ningarajappa,
Retired SDE

 Honour to Sri.Mathai. Retired JTO
Sri.Gouri Sankar.G., ITS, Addressed the gather. And said Kodagu is in top to provide quality of service & good Revenue by hard and good work of Executives in District. And  Sri Janardhana Naik, DGM, also addressed and wished the conference a great sucess.

 Momentous to guests

Vote of thanks By
 Com. D.J.Panchakshari,
 Dist. Secretary

Oath Taking By
Newly Elected body
District President: Com. A.Lingappa Gowda, SDE Com, MCA
Vice President: Com. Sandeep JTO O/d MCA
Vice president: Com. N.P. Geetha, JTO CSR
District Secretary: Com. D.J.Panchakshari, JTO(NS), MCA
Asst. Dist Secretary: Com. S.N.Narasimha,JTO(NS), MCA
Asst. Dist Secretary: Com. Srijith, JTO VRJ
Organising Secretary: Com. H.V. Srinivas, SDE II KUL
District Truesurer : Com. Leela Dayananda.K SDE(EB)
Auditor: Com. Jayanth Gowda
Executive Members: Com.Vivek, Com. Sandeep Surya,
Com. Kamalakshi, Com. Sriraj, Com. Srikar.

New body elected unanimously
for the year 11-12 & 12-13

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

SNEA KODAGU District conference

SNEA KODAGU District conference is proposed to be held on 23rd Oct 2011.